Once the hunting of red deer, roe deer and wild boar was the prerogative of the nobility. It is therefore not surprising that today game in gastronomy enjoys a reputation for the concept of privilege. However, a good piece of game – furred or feathered – always a rare and appreciated pleasure.
Game is historically linked to an ancient culinary tradition that involved the use of sauces. Marinades, intense spacing and long cooking are necessary to hide the so-called ‘wild flavor’
Today, thanks to specific training in the hunting world and greater attention in the management of a controlled supply chain of game meat. So it is possible to taste healthy and particularly tasty meats.
The total naturalness of game meat, combined with its nutritional and organoleptic qualities, make it increasingly appreciated by consumers who are attentive to quality food.
Game meat is very digestible and rich in proteins, it has less fat than other meats. It has a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids (with known anti-inflammatory characteristics). In addition, it is a good source of protein and minerals such as iron and zinc.
The hunted game comes from animals born and lived in freedom, without forced feeding and without any pharmacological or vaccinal treatment. This aspect makes it significantly healthier than meat from intensive farming.
Furthermore, game is infinitely more ethical and healthier than meat from intensive farming. It does not undergo pharmacological treatments, guarantees a reduction in CO2 production and consumption of land and water. Also limits the environmental impact due to livestock production.
After a whole life lived free in the natural environment, the animals are taken with the utmost professionalism, through proper and respectful hunting. In this way, game meats offer better organoleptic characteristics and excellent flavor, not being affected by the typical stress factors of animals raised in intensive farms and slaughtered in chains. The game heads are collected on the basis of the number of specimens estimated for each species, in accordance with the slaughter plans established by the individual Regions.